Thursday, November 26, 2009

P90X... Day 6


I’m not a huge fan of kickboxing. I did it in college because it’s an easy, accessible, cardio work out that you don’t usually have to think too much for. Honestly, I suck at all of the punches. I have a hard time distinguishing the movements from each other, and generally turn it into a fun dance. That being said, I liked this routine. I enjoyed the stretching, I enjoyed the variety of arm movements, I enjoyed the combinations.
Some of the combinations (I don’t remember which ones)
Brings up heart rate

Little to no explanation for what you’re doing or how to do it.
Not enough cool down stretches.

Week 1 DONE!

Dog Work

This weekend was the first time mine and my boyfriend’s dogs met each other. It was just horrible to start, and then it got better. I tend to think of dogs like I do young children. They don’t know anything unless you teach them. They push any and all boundaries just to see if they can get away with it. They operate on impulses. They don’t know what new things are ok and what new things aren’t ok unless they ask you. I have similar thoughts for dog training as I do for child sitting. Things like,
*This is a listening area. Only good listeners can be in this area. Non-listeners can go sit in their cage.
*I don’t think you should be licking her.
*We don’t go potty on the carpet.
*That is her toy. You can’t steal her toy.
*Keep your hands to yourself.
*Eat your food and no one elses.
*You have to sit before you get a treat.
*No biting.

Oh. Puppies. I had forgotten. I now remember. Constant “time-out”s Strangers allowing the dog to misbehave. Yelling at the dog and scaring the guests. MEMORIES I’m so glad I don’t have to do that again.

At work, I assist in the holiday card distribution. I had to present options, order, fold, stuff, and address the cards. I’m new here. They’ve been doing this process for decades. In the past, the girl who controlled the process, decided on how things would go. This year, everyone had an opinion, and I accepted and dealt with each one. So the process changed, but the basics stayed the same. You receive a list of customers or clients. You make some sort of notation as to who should no longer be on the list. You make some sort of notation to denote whose card you want to sign. Then there is the highly complex issue of whether the person should get a card, a loaf of charity bread, or a gift basket.
These are high pressure issues, I know.
It’s all board members and top managers who get this list. They’re engineers. (At least, I think so. It’s my understanding that if you’re going to manage engineers, and make deals with engineers, you might be an engineer.) I’m pretty good about detailing directions. I dumb them down as low as possible and be as specific as I can so when you read them, they make sense and can be easily followed.
The deadline for this was Monday. It’s now Tuesday. One person did it pretty close to what I asked for. I’m giving her an A-. One person only crossed off some names that shouldn’t be on there. One person said they did it, but must not have saved it to the same folder. One person handed me the old copies with 5 people crossed off (the list is approx. 600), and said he would “give me a list” of who he wanted to send a card to later this afternoon or tomorrow. That’s not even half the people.
I need to go work at the Ayn Rand Institute.

P90X... Day 5


When my boyfriend found out I couldn’t do a pull-up (I can, however, hold myself up for approx. 5-7 seconds), he was shocked. “Your arms are in proportion to your body, you should be able to do this.” Come to find out it has less to do with arm strength as it does back strength, and it just so happens my back is full of fat. Lesson learned from the “Legs and Back” DVD. I was initially excited about it because I like leg pilates and I thought I would be similar. Oh, touché, sweet naive girl. I managed about 5-12 reps of each leg move, 0 pull/chin ups, and I only liked one move: 80/20. Every time they did arm stuff, I just moved my hand weights in similar manners.

I hated it.

I did this DVD Saturday… I’m still sore. I was too sore to do anything Sunday except ride the stationary bike. I fell back into my car trying to get out of it on an uphill slant. It’s like a 6.


No actual example of how to do a pull up using a chair. Although you see the girl do it once, it doesn’t seem safe for a beginner.
This DVD was day 5 of the easy set… WTH?
Lack of stretching.

Friday, November 20, 2009

P90X... Day 4

I had to “put these bagels on a platter” again at work today. I dropped one on the floor. (I threw it out!)

Yoga! It was daunting at 1 hour 25 minutes.
Thankfully, I have done yoga before. Thankfully, I used to be into dance and gymnastics. Thankfully, I was wearing the proper pants. Next time, I’ll wear a better top. It was challenging! I haven’t done a full hour of yoga in a few years. I was proud of my ability to do the first round. I’ve done the (chat-a-runga), upward dog, plank, downward dog combo independently for some time now because I find it very relaxing. I felt ahead of the curve. Until they started doing the advanced twist and half moon shit. Those were things at which I did not fare well. Like always, I felt done after 40 minutes. I do not feel sore at all this morning. I like yoga. It’s relaxing and I enjoy the focus it requires. Sadly, though, it gets old.

The stair-stepping moves
Tony’s leggings
That chick whose boobs are just waiting to fall out of her sports bra
The part where I’m pretty sure that one guy has a boner
The stretching at the end

I couldn’t just follow it by listening, I had to see what they were doing which is difficult when your head is dangling somewhere between your 90 degree knee and your yoga mat. I can only guess that this will become easier to follow once I get the routine down.

Adjectives that describe this workout:

I checked out the rest of “Week 1” since I’ll be at JD’s this weekend and will finish my first “week,” and I noticed that in the “Lean” workout, you skip a few dvds. I think I might do 2 “weeks” of “Lean” and then go on to the “Classic” schedule.


“I have to go… they’ll think I’m pooping.”
Mercedes giving a Bailey-esque speech to Puck about him being the father. Probably the most mature moment on the show… ever.
“He’ll be crying into my shoulder pads.”
Finn’s mom. I don’t know who that woman is (and she’s not who I thought she would be from Finn’s flashbacks), but her 45 second performance was perfect.

When I was in college, I went out for coffee with a potential romantic partner. He talked about a cruise he went on with his ex-girlfriend and mom the previous year. I remember he talked about it, because it was the only thing he talked about. If I tried to change the subject, my new subject reminded him of Jamaica, where they stopped on the cruise. If I asked him a question about school, he talked about how he used tuition money to fund the cruise. If he asked me a question, my answer reminded him of something that happened on the cruise. He provided details about this cruise for the entire date. I ended it early saying I was going to be late to work.

I feel like this could be an adequate analogy for my social life.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

P90X...Day 3... .5

I'm done talkin'

Last night I was unable to squeeze in the Ab Ripper, so I did it after my gym (30 minutes on the elliptical, 25 on the bike) work out today. The only part of me that is sore from yesterday is my chest. My arms don't hurt from which is really surprising.

The Ab Ripper is only 15 minutes, but in that 15 minutes is squeezed 349 crunch-like moves. I did not do 349 crunch-like moves. I probably only did 200 or less. The variety was nice, but after it, I felt like I got more accomplished when I did my own ab workout. I go slow and take breaks, but I attempt to have good form throughout, and complete all reps. I felt like this workout moved too fast for me. I was disappointed in it and myself. Given 25 minutes, I believe I could have performed all 349 reps.

Maybe I'll write down the moves and do them in my own time.

Only 15 minutes

No "group" introduction
No warm up (Probably because it's assumed you're doing this after a workout)
Too fast

Adjectives that would describe this workout:


The VH1 show Tough Love is back for it's second season... and let me tell you... I'm peeing my pants in excitement. I LOVE that show. Even more exciting is that Jordan is back and more dramatic than ever! I did notice that the dude in charge is a lot angrier than last season. I hope the show wasn't tainted with VH1's usual drama cocktail. Tough isn't the only word in the title, Guy Who Runs The Show, don't lose the Love! It's not called, "VH1's You're a Romantic Failure and I'm Going to Mock You on National Television... Love."

Saturday, November 14, 2009

P90X... Day 3

I thought I would prepare myself this morning for "Chest, Back, and Triceps" by watching the dvd in fast forward while eating breakfast. It just scared me. I figured if I made it 25 minutes in (the DVD is 55 minutes), I would call it a win and move on with my life. I managed to go through the whole DVD only being totally unable to do 1 move. I'm giving myself a gold star.

Tony said to write down how many you did so here are my results...
(Keep in mind, any push ups were on my knees, and I used full water bottles for weights)
Beginning push ups (PU): 6
Military PU: 2
In Out: All (10? 20? I don't know I wasn't being accurate)
Chair dip: 10
Plange PU: 3
Pike press: 3...ish
Side Tri Rise: 6 per side
Floor flys: 2 per side
Scarecrows: 15
Overhead tri extension: 15
Two twitch speed push: 8 PU
Y press: 15
Lying tri extension: 15
Side to side PU: 3 per side
Pour fly: 10
Side lean tri extension: 10 per side
1 arm PU: 0
Weighted circle: 1 round
Throw the bomb: 10 per side
Clap PU: 3!!!
Slow mo throw: 10
Front to back tri ext: 8 per side
1 arm balance PU: 10 in plank... I didn't do the PU part
Fly throw press: 8
Dumbell cross body: 50 total

Throw the Bomb
Slow Mo Throw
The catchy names!


Adjectives to describe this work out:
Self determined

I have AB Ripper to do later tonight or tomorrow to complete my 3rd day. Update to follow, but I'll give you a teaser... I'M REALLY EXCITED!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

P90X... Day 2

Getting the goop out

Today was the "Cardio" workout. On a scale of 1-10 it was an easy 4. I'm still only getting through about 40 minutes and then cutting some of the remaining combinations short, but that has less to do with difficulty and more to do with my endurance. I hope/imagine that my endurance will increase to the entirety of a work out one day.

I don't want to jinx myself.... but I've read reviews where people said they couldn't make it through a whole dvd without stopping to puke or stopping because they couldn't breathe. Those people must have been really fat. Of course, we'll see how arrogant I am when Tony makes me use the pull-up bar I bought yesterday.


No Blam! :(

I really really like the kempo/plyo parts so I'm excited for when those dvds come up.
Adjectives that describe this work out:
Fun for the whole family

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I found my ass!

I didn't do P90X today (failing already?). Instead, I walked 20 minutes at work, did 25 minutes on the elliptical, and walked for another 20 minutes at the gym.

On a scale of 1-10 my soreness today was about a 4. And later, after sitting at work all day, it went to about a 6 and it's mostly right under my butt where I suppose it's lifting. Based on the muscles P90X found for me, I was not lifted.

I figured I’d Put my actual stats in writing so when I succeed, I can prove the difference. Or when I fail, I can tell by how much.

Weight: 127.6 This seems fairly incorrect as it is the lowest I have weighted... ever. But I figure I'll keep using the same scale so it should be consistant.
Bust: 34
Waist: 28.5
Hips: 35
Butt: 38
Thighs: 22.5
Arms: 10

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

P90X... Day 1

Yesterday at the gym, I saw a morbidly obese girl wearing a shirt that said, "Sorry... my boyfriend's in town this weekend." Fail shirt.

This weekend, I got P90X. Today I tried to get the dvd's to work. I'm wary of doing the straight 90 days. I don't think I have that kind of commitment. I don't want to change my eating habits. I pay $40/month for a gym membership I barely use. In respect for myself and lifestyle, I plan on going to the gym when I can, and doing the P90X dvd's (in order) on every other day. I still am not going to follow the nutrition guide. I maintain a healthy weight as is.

We'll see where it goes.

I'm doing the "lean" schedule I got from here:
Today was Core Synergistics. I faired well, I think. I am currently unable to do most of the pushups, and I am only able to make it through half the things after 40 minutes. ...But I made it 40 minutes with an adequate amount of "it" At 41 minutes I brought approximately "i" At 50 minutes I brought "."
That blonde chick's roll
What I like to call inbetween short breaths: Chat-a-runga!

Adjectives that describe this work out:
Requires upper bosy strength.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Training dogs and people

My boyfriend got a new, young, dog from the shelter. She knows sit 50%.

I have a 3 year old dog who knows the rules and likes to do other things (unless a treat is involved). Though I have stated multiple times to multiple people, “I am the pack leader” after some internet research, I have learned I am not, and the dog simple minds my requests like an employee. According to this guy: My dog is disrespectful, ill behaved, and I shouldn’t own a pet, procreate, or visit with any creature that doesn’t have opposable thumbs. I agree with him about 75%. I believe the 25% where we differ is because of the following: I am not a dog trainer. I am not a dog breeder. I do not (nor do I want to) own 17 dogs.

I work at the front desk of an office where I am required to press a button to unlock the door. Alternatively, employees are requested to always have their key to let themselves into the office. Some do, some don’t. Some walk in front of my window so I can see who I’m letting in, some don’t.


Train my dog not to run ahead of me when people come to the door, when we walk into/out of a room together, when we walk down the stairs.

Train my dog to sit before she’s allowed outside.

Reinforce any and all behavior training for my boyfriends dog.

Not unlock the door until I see who is there. If they can’t move over 2 feet to show their face, then I can’t move over 2 feet to push the button.

The other day, my dog and I were going up and down the stairs frequently. She is not currently required to wait behind me while we go down, but she is when we go up. On the way up, she stayed behind me every time, and eventually earned a treat. After she had the treat, she cut me off on the way down, and blew past me on the way up. She is always reprimanded when this happens, and praised when she does the right thing, but after reading that Leerburg guy, I realized that I may not be the pack leader. I’m the lady with the rules and occasionally the treats. I’m the lady with the food and water bowl, the lady with the leash, etc. She also has begun not being able to listen to me when guests come over. I should be able to control this.

There is a man who has been coming in for frequent meetings. He talks on his cell phone, let’s himself in the door (whether behind someone else, or after I have accidentally pushed the button), and is generally rude and confused by the “gatekeeper” rules. Today, he came in, chatted on his cell in the waiting area for about 5 minutes, and then tried to get in the door. When he realized it was locked and I was staring at him, he asked if something was wrong with the door, and I said “yeah, I didn’t unlock it. Who are you?” “I have to tell you who I am to get in?” Yes, you do, asshole. I played nice and said that until I recognize him (which I should by the end of the week), or he explains who he is and what he’s there for, he has to wait like every other person. I’m not going to lie, I get a giggle out of every jerk who expects the door will be opened, and pulls the locked door to no avail.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Slate

Dear Prudie,
I am having casual sex with this guy. I really like him. He says he isn't ready for a relationship. How will I know when he is?


Dear Wondering,
When he stops having casual sex with you, you check out why, and you learn he's in a relationship with someone else.