Thursday, April 30, 2009

Love sinks. Yeah.

(I love when the radio does Italian conversations)

Avoid doing on dates/things that make you look desperate:
Talking about exes
Broadcasting your sex life
Being loud and inappropriate
Jumping the gun don’t force things to move too fast

Are people still doing horrible things on dates? Is that possible? It makes me think people only do horrible stuff to make the other person aware they’re not interested without having to say, “listen, I’m not interested.” I was once told I was not on a date while on the date. It’s horrible, but you survive with a mild sense of respect for the other person.

Whose parents split up when they're almost 60? How does one handle living an entire life thinking that they should model their potential relationships off this one thing that turns to crap? How does one handle growing up and being told they're just like this one thing, being proud of it, and it ends up being awful? Is it too early for a midlife crisis? Probably. I can't afford a sports car or an exotic pool boy who speaks little to no english. Also, I'm not entertaining enough to put on a reality tv show.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Politically Incorrect generally means you're bring honest

People who say they're "saving" themselves "until" they're "married" and then don't, probably were just saying that to explain why they're ashamed to be a virgin.

Despite the ever changing size of a woman's body and the abundance of options for clothing, there's always a 90% chance that those xs/s Soffe shorts you're wearing rolled over 4 times are showing your vagina.
And there's a 100% chance I don't want to see it.

I am unqualified to do anything worthwhile. What a depressing realization.

I think it's time to move...
...into the Tough Love house!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I thought Jessica Biel's tits were bigger?

Problems I have found with our new time schedules:
Lynn came in really early yesterday for the meeting, and is forced to leave at 2pm today. That means she worked 12 hours yesterday.
Yesterday, I wasn’t able to finish my work before 2:30 thus causing other people to do it.
Solution: we schedule ourselves. If I only stayed the length of time I worked, I would be far more productive because my getting out time would be dependent on my ability to stay on task.
Solution: Lynn should have kept her 40 hour work week, and Suzie should have been cut to 32.
Why? Because Suzie takes (2) 15 minute breaks a day. If you are so ahead in your work that you can waste a half an hour a day, you can work 29.5 and decide if you want to skip your breaks for the extra 2.5 hours.

Also, I think Lynn and I do more as a team effort. Her hair is a mess and she talks to herself, but damnit she gets a job done and she answers the phone before the 4th ring.

Plus, I don’t like Suzie or her work ethic.

On a side note, I don’t think Kristy actually looks at my time clock because this will be the second week in a row I get paid more than I should have because of the time I clocked in.
Solution: I’ll stop punching in too early or too late in case I get caught. OR I’ll only do it once a week.

Moral dilemma: Is it the employee or the employers’ responsibility to make sure the employee isn’t being over paid? If the employee is underpaid, it is the employee’s responsibility.

One of the salesmen jammed the printer, which upon fixing yielded a 52 page mistake print job. When you’ve messed up that bad, ask for help.
Solution: If you can’t fix the problem, let someone else know there is a problem and see if they can fix it or point you in the direction of someone who can fix it. Solution: Leave a note on my desk: “Amanda, Doug Damon here uhh I broke the printer. I tried to fix it but the light is still red and my paper isn’t coming out and I printed the wrong thing anyway so I guess it’s for the better. Just wanted to let you know. Ok Thanks.”

What happened to courtesy?

Miss California was raised to believe marriage is between a man and a woman. We can assume, then, that she doesn’t believe gay marriage should be legalized. People are considering the idea that this statement during the competition may have cost her the Miss America crown. Personally, I believe that if it didn’t cost her the crown, it should have. If you’re from California, in beauty pageants (which are basically drag shows for little girls), and haven’t encountered a homosexual, or if you have, and haven’t felt compassion for them/felt they were a human and deserved common human rights then I don’t think you should be representing anything but a church or potential cult.
I wouldn’t have an abortion, but I wouldn’t dare take that decision away from another woman. AND I wouldn’t weight my answer in a beauty pageant with my religious beliefs.

I’m glad she didn’t win.

Yesterday, I did pilates.
Today: 45 minutes of cardio

Monday, April 20, 2009

Not worth reading on a locker room wall

Getting off work at 2:30 kinda kicks ass.

In a less money, too busy, stressful kind of way.

Total time doing cardio today: 40 mins.
Total miles run: 1
Pilates? no

Job searches: I spent about 45 minutes on a cover letter. It's for a writer of rehab reports in Farmington Hills.
Am I qualified for it? Not entirely. I have the education, but not the experience.
Could I learn it and do well? Yes.
Do I think they'll hire me? No. I'd rather be pessimistic.

Next month they're laying off 5 people. There's a 70% chance it'll be me. Job searching would be easier if I were a man based on my hard working-following directions-not people person-attributes. It's all very frustrating. If jobs had a trial run, I could kick ass.

I have only spent money on my car in the last 6 days. $15 for gas, and $90 for useless work. Aside from my car, I haven't made a purchase.

It's not impossible. It's just unlikely.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Things I've noticed

Ways to date during the recession: (89X)
Cook dinner together
Take a walk in the park
Bike ride
Use a coupon
Coffee & dessert instead of dinner

I am not impressed that a 47 year old ugly lady can sing. Singers become old people who can still sing. Her ugly face has nothing to do with her vocal cords. Anyone who was shocked that an old unattractive woman could sing should be schooled in music because they are clearly ignorant.

I could have been in No Worker Left Behind this whole time! If you’re working and your family income is less than $40,000/yr, they’ll pay for 2 years of college up to $10,000. OY!

Cosmo is all about sex these days. It's a little out of hand.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Coming up next on National Public Radio...

I am currently listening to a Christian actress on NPR who made this comment about being a Christian who supports homosexuality: “I think there are certain aspects you’re born with, and I don’t believe God makes mistakes.”

I disagree.

#1 There are people who are attracted to both sexes. Could be something else you’re born with… but I think that if a preference to one sex or the other is innate, then a) everyone would be straight because our instincts are towards procreation, and b) there wouldn’t be asexual people or (their opposite) bisexual people.
#2 I don’t believe heterosexuality is a “born with” quality, therefore I would be inconsistent thinking homosexuality is.
#3 People change. I read an article in O Magazine about women who were married to men… and then became lesbians. Were they lesbians the entire time? Maybe, but I doubt it.
#4 I honestly believe it’s more about taste than genetics. I like a certain type of person: funny, brutally honest, reasonable, able to compromise, laid back, balanced, etc. These qualities are found in both my male and female friends. Like pilates, I think it’s the combination of the exercises that render the best results and not the actions alone.
#5 I’m reading a book called “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” and it reiterates the idea that men are mostly concerned about Who they are, What they do, and How much they make. Their entire lives are centered around those 3 things, and they don’t feel like a human if they can’t answer those questions. As a woman, I don’t care who you are, what you do, or how much you make. I place WAY more importance on whether or not you treat other people with respect, and whether or not you can prioritize. Men don’t care if a woman treats the waitress with respect or if she can assign priority to a number of tasks. There seems to be an inherent difference which, I think, causes someone to be attracted to either a man or a woman.