Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hair kisses
They were talking about this on the radio.
>While I was visiting Sarrah this weekend, I explained why most of my conversations start with “I heard on the radio…” because the only communication I have most days is through listening to the radio. Other days, it’s JD.<
Is this a good idea? Obviously. It’s making money.When the guy compared it to alcohol and gambling… I had to agree. Cheating is a decision you make whether the site is available or not. Cheating happened before the site existed. It makes cheating easier, definitely. But the internet has had the same affect on every other aspect of life in the same way. It would have been a challenge to buy an authentic Korean teapot in 1950. You’d have to go to Korea. Now, you go on ebay. “Because of your site, my marriage is over.” It’s not because of the site. It’s because of the marriage. Is it immoral to help someone do something immoral? I guess it depends on your conscience. Who is the quality control group for the website? How do you even do that job?The majority of affairs happen in the workplace. I wonder if anyone at ashleymadison has cheated on someone with their coworker. Irony.

Would you be able to tell someone that their significant other wasn’t a good match for them?No. I tend to keep friends around who can handle themselves and their decisions, so if they want to make a huge mistake, they’ll make it and they’ll learn from it. I might think it’s a bad idea, but I’m more likely to suggest reconsideration then to flat out say, “dump him.” And in the end, whether you say something or you say nothing, people are going to do what they want to do. They’ll stay or they’ll break up and you opinion still means squat. I see my friends associate themselves with people or situations that aren’t the best; the only thing you can say is, “are you sure this is what you want to be doing? Have you considered what will happen if it all goes horribly wrong?” Plus, I’ve made terrible decisions; I have no right to tell someone else not to do something. The education doesn’t matter. Personal learning experiences count for nothing in other people’s lives. It will bother me when people start lying, though. I’ll call them out on that. I got into a fight with my roommate once because she wanted to marry the guy she was dating and he was still seeing his ex-fiancĂ©. She didn’t see that if he was lying to another woman, he was probably lying to her as well. There’s a difference between making a mistake with full knowledge, and lying to yourself. I’ve lost friends because they picked crazy. Oh well. If you pick lies over truth then we’re probably not going to get along very well anyway.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I get to love you

I'm doing a better job not making a chocolate malted soy/milkshake then not being on the internet. I wanted to watch winterguard. I couldn't get any.
I found this instead.
I love this choreographer. I love these dancers. I love Ingrid Michaelson. I love this song in all its many versions. I love how ugly bridesmaidy these beautiful costumes look. And since I've been working out with it, I love the ghost space idea.
Totally worth it.

I suppose this is a lazy day.

Time for my soy/milkshake.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

2 hours of work... 8 hours of day

The radio this morning was talking about how women shouldn’t consider dating an unemployed man. I agree. It was then stated that if you don’t have a job, you shouldn’t even be trying to date. I agree. Chuck kept saying that he would have a list and if you fell under any of the categories (which included smoking pot, and having 2 kids by 2 different men), he would immediately cross you off. A woman called in and said that when she met her boyfriend, he was unemployed but that didn’t mean he was unable to take care of her family. Even though he couldn’t provide financially, he would help out around the house, cook, clean, and take care of her 2 kids (by 2 different dads), and that he was wonderful. Here’s the point: everyone has standards. Generally speaking, people will allow for lower standards in others if they are currently in a low standard situation. I live at home. If I met someone and they decided not to date me because I don’t live independently, I wouldn’t blame them. If I lived on my own and I met someone who lived at home, I probably wouldn’t date them. Since this woman has babies whose only relation to each other is through her, her standards aren’t going to be really high. Most men are turned off by a woman who has kids, let alone 2, let alone with 2 different baby daddies. If she finds the one guy who isn’t going to run away, she’s going to keep him job or no job.

Next on the radio is naked parties. Would I go to a nude beach? Probably. If I was on my honeymoon, or I was looking to have a threesome. Would I go to a partially clothed beach? Definitely. All situations go. Would I go to a naked party? No. Do I think the girl on the radio who said at midnight pants come off is Janelle? Janelle? Is that you? Yes.

Radio Topic #3: The girl got proposed to 5 times. If you turn down the proposal, do you stay friends? No.
If I didn’t want to marry someone, I would not accept the proposal … unless it was in public. I am very against the public proposal, but if some guy did that and I wasn’t interested, I would say yes and then the second we were alone, I would renege my answer.

Best snack ever*:
Start with a regular flat tortilla
Smear refried beans in a thin layer on top.
Cover the whole tortilla, leaving just a little space around the edges
On top of the beans, spread a thin layer of sour cream
Add your favorite heat of Taco Bell sauce packet in a zig zag pattern
Optional toppings**:
Lettuce leaves
Black olive slices
Once desired inside is completed, start at one end and roll up snack like you were rolling up a rug. Add tooth picks to hold and slice on an angle.
*Not for people who don’t like tacos.
**Don’t add too many things, or you won’t be able roll up the wrap.

You know what’s silly? People calling someone back without knowing who they are calling.
“Hi this is Jim with Magna Manufacturing. Someone from there called me but I didn’t write their name down. I’m returning their call.”
Fabulous. I page the call and no one answers. So I call someone internally and ask if they called him.
“That sounds familiar. I most definitely did.”
Thanks for answering the page. You’re really making my morning efficient.

I work for the inner city public school of businesses.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A ( ) version of me

Things Women don’t want to hear about your ex:
She was wild in bed
She used to be a model (hotness is a touchy issue)
My parents loved her
She broke my heart
She’s still not over me
She loved sports
She was low maintenance
She was a great kisser

89x is talking about whether it’s ok to be friends with your exes. I’ve never been the person who was able to stay friends with someone I had a relationship with. Ever since the 10th grade when my first boyfriend and I broke up over summer and I sat with him at lunch the first day of school and thought I was going to vomit is when I knew we couldn’t just be friends. If I have ever had legitimate feelings for someone (outside of OMG you’re so hot) and they weren’t reciprocated, or they were shared but it just didn’t work out, I couldn’t stay friends with them.
But, I am also very cut and dry. I find very little grey area in past relationships. I will admit that with some people it depends on the relationship, how long ago it happened, and how old you were when it happened.

I really don’t think it always has to do with the potential to have romantic feelings over again. I think the disgust comes from inside jokes and a previous connection no one else is included in. I get annoyed when people talk about something only they can understand around other people. It’s rude. It’s like saying, “Oh man! There was this awesome moment we both experienced; it was so cool and you weren’t there and really, you’re not invited now either.” It’s just rude. You’re ignoring the other person and behaving as if it would be better if they weren’t around. That’s the kind of stuff you do when someone invites themselves along and you don’t want them there, so you try and make them as uncomfortable as possible.

Plus there’s the numbers issue. It’s reasonable to sleep with an ex for the plain reason that you’ve done it before and it doesn’t add any sluttiness to your belt. So if you’re dating someone who is friends with their ex… it’s almost like they’re telling you, “listen, if we ever break up—even for a day—I’m going to see this person naked and touch their genitals.”

The octo-mom said she wouldn’t get a tummy tuck because she likes to do things as natural as possible. Now. I know everyone has their own hypocritical issues. But really.

The thunderstorm woke me and Tagen up last night. She was ok for a while; she’s never really been afraid of storms before. It was right overhead for a really long time, though, and she eventually got scared. So I put my blanket over her head and kept petting her to calm her down. She also hates fireworks.

I feel like I’m forced into waiting for everything. Everything. And it’s balanced waiting for good things and bad things. I’m waiting to be laid off. I’m waiting for work to pick up so I don’t get laid off. I’m waiting to get a new job. I’m waiting for JD to get a house and be content. I’m waiting for something to happen. I’m waiting for the universe to call my number and let me order my deli meats. It’s like everything just stopped and I’m not moving forward anymore.

Brad Pitt and the kids are living in Long Island while Angelina is doing a movie. That means he’s takin the kids to school and bring Mr. Mom. Apparently, the other moms who take their kids to school can no longer do so in a frumpy nature. Ha. Love it. Moms are putting in extra effort to look nice for Brad Pitt. Oh man I can’t imagine taking my kids to school and seeing Brad Pitt dropping off like 8 ethnic babies.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What are you waiting for?

Kevin Federline receives $40,000 PER MONTH from Britney Spears. Plus $20,000/month for the kids. It should really be switched. Why is he personally getting $40,000 and the 2 kids are only getting $10,000 a piece. AND he’s asking for more.
There are single parents with 2 kids who operate on $40,000 a year or less.

I was watching Gilmore Girls yesterday and it was the episode where Paris finds out she’s poor and Rory hires her to waiter an event. Paris bitches about capitalism and how the people with the most money get that way by feeding off the working man.

Anyway, those two things seemed to correlate.

I’m really half assing this because there’s only one thing I can think about and it’s not appropriate.

Are Americans really cut out for delayed gratification?
This is an unanswerable question based on its vagueness. Certain people are able to hold out their desires for delayed gratification… but not everyone is. It’s just a big curve like everything else.

Cardio: 30 minutes
Abs? Yes
Legs? Yes
So far this week, I've done some sort of physical activity U, M, T, W. All I have left is tomorrow.

# of jobs applied to today: 5?

Searching for a new job at the moment is best defined as an experience that is a cross between a contestant on a dating show... and a stylist at Great Clips.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's Wednesday... you know what that means

Most embarrassing thing for women (reverse order)
Booger in nose
Heel in drain
Lipstick on teeth/Smudging make up
Tucking dress into underpants
Breast escaping
Toilet paper on shoe

For men (reverse order)
Credit card rejection
Splitting pants
Accidentally leaking on pants
Spilling drink at bar
Unknown booger
Tripping (breaking into a jog to hide)
Farting in public
Leaving fly down

I don’t really have “embarrassing” moments. I’ve had times where I thought “this is a horrible life moment” but I don’t dwell on how bad things are; I’d rather move on with my life than be consumed by things I can’t go back on. However, in trying to think of some, I realized I’ve had a lot. And most are not ones I would enjoy repeating. So, my most embarrassing moment (that I’m willing to broadcast and not totally deny in my psyche):
Going on what I thought was a date, only to find out that it was not a date because I don’t believe Jesus is our Savior, and that the rest of the Cult would be joining us later.
This Life Moment also qualifies as my Worst Date Ever.
Second place goes to:
Falling (for no definable reason) during our exhibition as a college at the high school band championship thing at Pontiac Silverdome. And then having my boyfriends’ mom (who I was supposed to meet for the first time) ask me who that girl was that fell down.

Otherwise though, I like to stick to acting like things never happened.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Not so good after all

My thighs hurt from running.
I listened to her all afternoon. I think she's amazing.
She sounds just the way she looks.

Today was fairly low key. I've been grappling with appropriate please-hire-me etiquette.

My hands look really old in this light. They could be 40 year old hands. Damn you UV rays!

I'll be cynical. You be optimistic. Things should work well.