Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Status updates by day (Pt. 3)

July 19, 2010
Dear Diary,

One of m boyfriend’s finer qualities is his inclination to pay more money for things. 70% of the time I find this either wasteful or unnecessary. I am not that kind of person. I will buy something just because it costs less. 50% of the time this is a reasonable idea. However, half the time I end up with something crappy and if I had just paid 30 cents more, I would have something not as crappy. Enter Aveeno lotion. I love Aveeno lotion. I endorse it. It is very expensive and totally worth it. Unfortunately, the “scented” varieties cost less than the original kind which has no scent. I am a fool as this has screwed me twice now.*

Recently, I went to WalMart to buy some more Aveeno. And of course I am an idiot because the “Stress Relief” lotion cost 30 cents less than the original. 30 cents. I wouldn’t even clip a coupon if it was only 30 cents off. Not even if I was going to use it at Kroger where they double coupons less than 50 cents. It smells like a clean diaper. Which is a fabulous smell if you have a baby, I understand. It’s just not a fabulous smell for a work cubicle.

*Once I bought Aveeno on sale at Target. It was on sale because it had a “Menthol” scent. It. Was. Horrible. And I used every last drop because that shit costs $7 a bottle.

1 comment:

  1. This is why I love shopping with my wife. She always has this dialogue with herself about the merits of one brand or price over another!
