Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Status update by day (Pt. 2)

July 14, 2010
Dear Diary,

There is a slushie machine at work. It hasn’t been filled since I started a few days ago, but it was functioning today. And since I was having an odd day, I got one. It was peach Faygo (??) and some white Faygo. It tasted like college.
I have my first work complaint…. !!! The “team” is sectioned off into “regions” I am in a region with a very nice girl and a lady who has already “reprimanded” me more than once. This morning, she had obviously been talking about me to her neighbor and when I walked up the aisle, she turned to the other woman and said, “is this AO?” I said, “huh? Yeah?” and then she proceeded to tell me that I am to ask her or the other girl in our region questions and not other people (ie the women who sit around me) because each region is handled differently. The entire time, she was texting. After I said “ok, yeah” multiple times and she finished her speech, she said “oh! My name is S”.

Well fabulous.

Yesterday, I noticed that a lot of the orders I was looking at were ones she had not called on. Today, I noticed more of the same thing and in the 100+ orders I looked at, I only saw 2 where she actually called. There’s also another program that allows us to report problems with orders. However, no one will see our problem under a certain status. Today, I noticed that she tended to post issues under this useless status. So I spent part of my day e-mailing on some of her outstanding issues. I’m starting to feel like I’m picking up after her. This seems odd seeing as it’s my 4th day and she’s someone others have referred to as “been here a while.”

July 16, 2010
Dear Diary,

Message in order:
"The _____ spoke to the _____ and he did not want to schedule a time for the ______ to inspect the property. He said that he needed to make sure certain items were taken care of first before scheduling a time."

My thought:
"....does he have to move the bodies?"

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking you are going to have problems with that lady! I think she wants you not to talk to the other people, because they'll talk about her...
