Sunday, July 11, 2010

Oh Nebraska. So easily forgotten.

Dear Universe,
I last spoke to you on Wednesday, June 30. I just wanted to compliment you on your speed. On Thursday, July 1, I received a call to come in for an interview. On Friday, July 2, I signed paperwork at my new job. On Tuesday, July 6, I went to my first day at my new job.

Bravo, Universe, bravo.

Had I know you were wearing your running shoes at the time of my request, I would have asked to win the lottery. But, not to complain or be unappreciative, I am very grateful for my sudden employment.

Keep in touch!

I now work at a Mortgage Company.
My new job consists of checking to make sure appraisals have been done for the MC. This often requires me to check the state the appraisal office is in before calling since I am in the Eastern most time zone, everyone isn’t always awake and in the office at my 9am. Or, most places in my region have closed by 5pm. Having to do this has raised the awareness that I do not know my states based on initials alone. It has happened twice to me. Someone asked me what state the address was in. “Uhhh… MA?” I have no idea who MA is. Massachusetts? Maine? It was after 5pm and I had to call about an order in state NE. NE? New….. no. North….. no Neva... no. So I looked on the map behind me and I found it. Since the map behind me does not spell out the state name, and I seemed to have misplaced my 3rd grade geography lesson, I still have no clue whatsoever of this state. I have failed as an educated individual. It wasn't until I was driving home that Nebraska popped into my head. I blame Catholic school for not teaching up the song that helps you remember all the states and their capitols.

With my new job and it's seeming endlessness, I have decided to officially move in with my boyfriend. My dog and I already live in his house, but with about 10% of my actual stuff. While JD and I were discussing some minor logistics in the car, I made the statement that I meant moving in, "like with my bed and my shelves and all my stuff, stuff." At which point he made a distasteful just-ate-something-gross face. "Shelves? You know... moving is a good time to reevaluate your things and throw some stuff out."
Let me take you back. When JD moved, he didn't pack anything until the day before the move at which time, his mom and grandma started loading things into boxes and directing everyone else how it should be done. He had intended on evaluating his stuff while he packed, but with the matriarchs in control, most junk slipped through and ended up at the house. In the basement. In boxes that have yet to be gone through and evaluated. Also in the basement are enough empty boxes to build a Thanksgiving Day float. (Though, now that I think of it, those boxes will be useful in packing up all my stuff). Which have only slowly been evaluated on their resale and useful value.
I think this will be interesting.

Yesterday in the car, I was complaining about my knee and how it has been hurting while I run. Which lead me into my hip and how it gives out occasionally.
Me: "I'm aging too quickly. I'm like the reverse Benjamin Button!"
JD: "That's everyone."
Me: "... but not with the speed at which I am disintegrating!"

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