Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Status update by day

July 12, 2010
Dear Diary,

The entire 2nd floor of this building smells like bacon. I work on the 3rd, and opening the door to the stairs is like walking into a diner and free bacon day.
I tried to wear my “work” shoes today. My toe nails are too long and continuously caught on the inside part of the shoe. Scrapping the shoe and pulling my nail. I changed back into my flip flops at lunch. My feet were not prepared for business casual dress.

I got my official desk today and it wasn’t fully cleaned out. There are empty soda and Red Bull cans in one of the cabinets. Left over headphones, and lanyard (score!) in another. The previous sitter’s job manual, and various left papers. Most disgustingly, though, was the headset for the phone had crusties in the ear piece and had some hairs stuck to it. The previous sitter worked in a different department causing my computer setting to be mildly off. I spent the morning getting new ear phone foam bits and getting the phone changed so I can use it with my extension. I still have to contact someone about getting the correct printer settings. Also, I would like to spray the area down with Lysol.

Questions I have been asked today that have dumbfounded me:
Where are you located?
What row are you in?
Could you tell me your computer name?
Tomorrow is Retro clothing day. Ok that’s not a question, but same idea applies.

1 comment:

  1. That's too funny!
    I'm with you, I'd want to hose it all down first.
