Tuesday, August 3, 2010


JD and I are fairly certain a guy at work has a crush on me. Of course, since this is me, he is a crazy. You know the episode of HIMYM when Ted dates that girl and everyone tells him she has crazy eyes? This guy has crazy eyes. One day after we moved to the new building, he introduced himself on the way out. It was strange, but I've dealt with strange so it wasn't a big deal. Not even worth mentioning.

The next day, he inter-office IMs me and proceeds to ask me personal questions, if he is bothering me, will I be his friend? If I took too long to respond to him (keep in mind, the IO IM shows when someone is in a call), he would comment on my "tude" or how I like to keep to myself at work. Eventually I told him I was too busy and needed to go back to work. He tried again later on in the afternoon. I told him I was working and wasn't able to talk.

This morning he IMed "Good Morning!" and I IMed back "Good morning" He then asked me to go to lunch with him. I told him no thank you. He responded with a smiley face sticking its tongue out.

5 Hours later he sent a message: "Boom! She turned me down for lunch! I've never been turned down before May day MAY DAY may day! call the boys and tell um I love um"
For serious. My favorite part is that it was 5 hours later.

A couple hours after that, he IMed me again asking if I have a sense of humor. Since I took too long to reply, he said "uhoh the silent treatment! dun dum" I was on the phone. Jesus H. I told him I was busy working. He asked to talk after work. On the way to our cars. I told him he seemed nice and was very persistent but I was not interested.

Another hour later, he sent me an e-mail emphasizing that he was interested in a PLATONIC conversation, but that he was 5'10, stocky, had a great smile, owned his car, lived in an apartment, and enjoyed lots of movies and music. And, finally, that my invitation to lunch is still open.

Of course, I'm keeping JD informed of all of this in case I don't come home from work one day, and he has to call the police. This was his comment to the e-mail:
"JD: I also own my own house, as well as car, and have developed an intimate sexual relationship with you. Kind Regards, - Your boyfriend"

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