Saturday, August 7, 2010


I go to Planned Parenthood for my pap smear every year. One year, I went to a fancy gyno and she treated me like a baby seal. I told her I was having problems. She told me it was completely normal for my period to feak the fuck out and I shouldn't be concerned until I skipped two periods in a row.

Oh please.

If my period is more than an afternoon late, I'm going to be concerned.

So, I went to another doctor at PP. I told her what my problems were and she told me I needed to take calcium and eat more green leafy vegetables. That my mood and matching uterus problems had to do with my diet.

Oh please.

I switched birth controls and my mood went from depressed with suicidal thoughts to stable and even happy. Also, after she examined me, she asked more specific questions about my issues and said "That's not happening is it? Because I didn't check for that"

So, I went again this year. If you've never been, Planned Parenthood (NO offense to their organization, which I fully support, obvi.) is kind of like what Quick Cuts and Fantastic Sams are to the salon industry. It's all about production. Get in, get out, move on. Getting a pelvic exam is like meeting a guy at a frat party, messing around in the bathroom, and then going back to your dorm. Fast, a little painful, and afterword, you feel like you were used. The lady doctor I had left the room after taking her gloves off. Right glove. Left glove. Here's your paper work. Door. She talked the entire time, too. Never asked me if I was having any problems. Never asked me if I had any questions. Just Bing bam thank you ma'am.

I guess you get what you pay for. And since I have Plan First, I pay $4 for "handling" and nothing for my birth control.

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