Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday morning, a comic strip

In writing, JD drank a lot Saturday night. He left a bottle with about 20% of the beer left in the bottom, on the floor. I should mention here, that he has allowed Radar to lick the empty beer bottles. When I woke up Sunday morning, JD wasn't in bed. He was in the guest room sleeping on his old bed. I went in there for a while, but couldn't stop thinking about Sunday Morning on CBS, the Sunday news, and juice. I got out of bed and walked downstairs to find Radar furiously licking the carpet. Upon further examination, I found the beer bottle shoved under the couch. So, at 8:30am Sunday morning, I had to move the couch and clean the carpet to get the beer stains out.

In other news, I endorse this:

1 comment:

  1. great cartoon and cute pup!
    I just happened to use some Resolve today myself. Not on beer though, it was on the red sugar water that spilled/poured onto the carpet...I also endorese it...
